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Product Subtotal
Dermal Bubble D-TOX Mask Oxygen Bubble Instant Skin Brightening Combo 6 Pcs Pack  × 3 2,025.00
Dermal Yeppen Skin Busy Women All In One Moisturizer Buy1Get1Free  × 1 220.00
Dermal Korea Vitamin Collagen Essence Full Face Sheet Mask Pack Of 2  × 1 140.00
Dermal Korea Aloe Collagen Essence Full Face Mask (Pack of 5)  × 2 598.00
Dermal Yeppen Skin Snail Nutrition Wrinkle Care Cream  × 1 280.00
Dermal Yeppen Skin Silky Foot Cream  × 1 220.00
Dermal Korea Milk Collagen Essence Face Mask (pack of 5)  × 1 299.00
Dermal Korea Hyaluronate Collagen Essence Face Mask (Pack of 20)  × 1 1,160.00
Subtotal 4,942.00

Shipping to Karnataka.

Total 4,942.00
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